Year-end Note 2021, Rediscovering Life

2021 has been a soul-wrenching year for a variety of reasons. I bet I am not alone in feeling this way. Ironically, it has also been an emotionally fulfilling and spiritually enriching one for me. Starting the year with a 10000% focus on caregiving for my ailing (and now) late father. To see him pass […]

Intentions for the next 10

My intention for the next 10 years is to positively impact the lives of one million people (by the time I am 50 years of age). This year, 2021, has been quite a ride so far. From deep personal loss to a deep realization of what is of existential meaning and what is just in […]


Appa passed away on 26th January 2021. He was 79. In the last month of his life, he required frequent hospitalizations and sustained care. Within that period, in his company, I experienced so many emotions. From heart-wrenching episodes to moments of deep bonding that bring true meaning to a lifetime of togetherness to moments of […]

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